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Select the Use button to add a tag to the body of your email. You may also use tags in the subject of your email by copying and pasting them directly in.
{FIRST_NAME} | Adds the recipients First Name. | Use |
{LAST_NAME} | Adds the recipients Last Name. | Use |
{COMPANY_NAME} | Adds the Company Name. | Use |
{PORTAL_NAME} | Adds the application portals name. | Use |
{MEMBER_NAME} | Adds the Recipients Membership name. | Use |
{SIGNATURE_OPT_IN} | Adds the Opt-in link. | Use |
{SIGNATURE_OPT_OUT} | Add the opt-out link. | Use |
%signature% | Adds your preferred signature block. | Use |
{Event_Start_Date} | Adds the Event's Start Date.(Events Only) | Use |
{Event_End_Date} | Adds the Event's End Date.(Events Only) | Use |
{Event_Name} | Adds the Event's Name.(Events Only) | Use |
{Event_Description} | Adds the Event's Description.(Events Only) | Use |
{Online_Training_Description} | Adds the Online Training Description.(Online Training Only) | Use |
{Event_Specific_Dates} | Adds the Event's specific dates.(Events Only) | Use |
{member_number} | Adds the Membership Number. | Use |
{MemberSince} | Adds the Member Since Date. | Use |
{CONTACTEMAIL} | Adds the Contact's Email Address. | Use |
{CERTIFICATE_NUMBER} | Adds the Contact's Certificate Number | Use |
{EVENTLOCATION} | Adds the Event's Location. | Use |
{TOTALEVENTCREDITS} | The total number of credits that the contact has earned through the event tickets and workshops. | Use |
{ASAPPEARSONBADGE} | Display the text of as appears field in the event setup. | Use |
{contact_organization} | Displays the organization name of the contact. | Use |
{RENEWALDATE} | Adds the Member Renewal Date in (yyyy-mm-dd). | Use |
{MEMBERSHIP_YEAR} | Adds the Member's Membership Year | Use |
{RENEWALDATE_MM-DD-YYYY} | Adds the Member Renewal Date in (mm-dd-yyyy). | Use |
{LMS_CREDIT} | The number of credits the LMS course is worth for Continuing Education | Use |
{COLLECTION_PERIOD_END-DATE_YYYY_MM_DD} | The end date of the CE collection period end date | Use |
{LMS_COURSE_COMPLETION_DATE} | The completion date of the LMS course | Use |
{INCEPTION_DATE} | Adds the Member Inception Date in (yyyy-mm-dd). | Use |
{EVENT_END-DATE_MONTH_YYYY} | Adds Event End Date in Full Month Name and Year Format.(Events Only) | Use |
{EVENT_END-DATE_MONTH_YYYY_ADD3} | Adds Event End Date in Full Month Name and Year Format Plus 3 Years.(Events Only) | Use |
© 2025 The Estate Planning Council of Vancouver
Privacy Policy
The Estate Planning Council of Vancouver Privacy Policy
Our Commitment to Privacy
The Estate Planning Council of Vancouver (the “Council”) is committed to maintaining the security, confidentiality and privacy of your personal information. This Privacy Policy documents our on-going commitment to you and has been developed in compliance with the British Columbia Personal Information Protection Act.
Scope of Policy
This Policy addresses personal information about individuals and does not apply to the information collected, used or disclosed with respect to corporate or commercial entities. This Policy does not impose any limits on the collection, use or disclosure of the following information by the Council: your business contact information; and certain publicly available information.
The Council has designated the Membership Chair as the Privacy Officer who is responsible for the Council’s compliance with this Policy. The Privacy Officer may be contacted as described below.
When collecting information, the Council will state the purpose of collection and will provide, on request, contact information for the Privacy Officer who can answer questions about the collection. If you are applying for membership in the Council, the Council collects, uses and discloses your personal information for the purpose of evaluating and considering your membership application. If you are a member of the Council, the Council collects, uses and discloses your personal information for the following purposes:
Subject to legal and contractual restrictions, you may instruct the Council to refrain from using or sharing information in some of the ways described above by providing written notification to the Council’s Privacy Officer. If you do so, the Council will inform you of the likely consequences of your instructions.
When personal information that has been collected is to be used for a purpose not previously identified, Council will notify you of the purpose and obtain your consent as described below.
The Council will obtain your consent to collect, use or disclose personal information except where the Council is authorized or required by law to do so without consent. For example, the Council may collect, use or disclose personal information without your knowledge or consent where:
Other exceptions may apply. Your consent can be express, implied or given through an authorized representative such as a lawyer, agent or broker.
Consent may be provided orally, in writing, electronically, through inaction (such as when you fail to notify the Council that you do not wish your personal information collected, used or disclosed for various purposes after you have received notice of those purposes) or otherwise.
The Council will destroy, erase or make anonymous documents or other records containing personal information as soon as it is reasonable to assume that the original purpose is no longer being served by retention of the information and retention is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes.
The Council will take due care when destroying personal information to prevent unauthorized access to the information.
The Council will make a reasonable effort to ensure that personal information it is using or disclosing is accurate and complete. If you demonstrate the inaccuracy or incompleteness of personal information, the Council will amend the information as required. If appropriate, the Council will send the amended information to third parties to whom the information has been disclosed. When a challenge regarding the accuracy of personal information is not resolved to your satisfaction, the Council will annotate the personal information under its control with a note that the correction was requested but not made.
Safeguarding Personal Information
The Council protects the personal information in its custody or control by making reasonable security arrangements to prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. The Council will take reasonable steps, through contractual or other reasonable means, to ensure that a comparable level of personal information protection is implemented by the suppliers and agents who assist in providing services. Some specific safeguards may include:
When a challenge regarding the accuracy of personal information is not resolved to your satisfaction, the Council will annotate the personal information under its control with a note that the correction was requested but not made.
Where an access request is refused, the Council will notify you in writing, document the reasons for refusal and outline further steps which are available to you.
On request, the Council will provide information regarding its complaint procedures.
Any inquiries, complaints or questions regarding this Policy should be directed in writing to the Council’s Privacy Officer, who is also the Council’s Membership Chair. For contact information please refer to the Council’s Membership Directory, as the holder of that office changes annually.
The privacy policy is available at http://
Privacy Policy
The Estate Planning Council of Vancouver Privacy Policy
Our Commitment to Privacy
The Estate Planning Council of Vancouver (the “Council”) is committed to maintaining the security, confidentiality and privacy of your personal information. This Privacy Policy documents our on-going commitment to you and has been developed in compliance with the British Columbia Personal Information Protection Act.
Scope of Policy
This Policy addresses personal information about individuals and does not apply to the information collected, used or disclosed with respect to corporate or commercial entities. This Policy does not impose any limits on the collection, use or disclosure of the following information by the Council: your business contact information; and certain publicly available information.
The Council has designated the Membership Chair as the Privacy Officer who is responsible for the Council’s compliance with this Policy. The Privacy Officer may be contacted as described below.
When collecting information, the Council will state the purpose of collection and will provide, on request, contact information for the Privacy Officer who can answer questions about the collection. If you are applying for membership in the Council, the Council collects, uses and discloses your personal information for the purpose of evaluating and considering your membership application. If you are a member of the Council, the Council collects, uses and discloses your personal information for the following purposes:
Subject to legal and contractual restrictions, you may instruct the Council to refrain from using or sharing information in some of the ways described above by providing written notification to the Council’s Privacy Officer. If you do so, the Council will inform you of the likely consequences of your instructions.
When personal information that has been collected is to be used for a purpose not previously identified, Council will notify you of the purpose and obtain your consent as described below.
The Council will obtain your consent to collect, use or disclose personal information except where the Council is authorized or required by law to do so without consent. For example, the Council may collect, use or disclose personal information without your knowledge or consent where:
Other exceptions may apply. Your consent can be express, implied or given through an authorized representative such as a lawyer, agent or broker.
Consent may be provided orally, in writing, electronically, through inaction (such as when you fail to notify the Council that you do not wish your personal information collected, used or disclosed for various purposes after you have received notice of those purposes) or otherwise.
The Council will destroy, erase or make anonymous documents or other records containing personal information as soon as it is reasonable to assume that the original purpose is no longer being served by retention of the information and retention is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes.
The Council will take due care when destroying personal information to prevent unauthorized access to the information.
The Council will make a reasonable effort to ensure that personal information it is using or disclosing is accurate and complete. If you demonstrate the inaccuracy or incompleteness of personal information, the Council will amend the information as required. If appropriate, the Council will send the amended information to third parties to whom the information has been disclosed. When a challenge regarding the accuracy of personal information is not resolved to your satisfaction, the Council will annotate the personal information under its control with a note that the correction was requested but not made.
Safeguarding Personal Information
The Council protects the personal information in its custody or control by making reasonable security arrangements to prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. The Council will take reasonable steps, through contractual or other reasonable means, to ensure that a comparable level of personal information protection is implemented by the suppliers and agents who assist in providing services. Some specific safeguards may include:
When a challenge regarding the accuracy of personal information is not resolved to your satisfaction, the Council will annotate the personal information under its control with a note that the correction was requested but not made.
Where an access request is refused, the Council will notify you in writing, document the reasons for refusal and outline further steps which are available to you.
On request, the Council will provide information regarding its complaint procedures.
Any inquiries, complaints or questions regarding this Policy should be directed in writing to the Council’s Privacy Officer, who is also the Council’s Membership Chair. For contact information please refer to the Council’s Membership Directory, as the holder of that office changes annually.
The privacy policy is available at http://
Renseignements personnels :
Des renseignements personnels sont recueillis sur ce site Web seulement lorsque vous les soumettez volontairement comme, par exemple, lorsque vous vous inscrivez sur le site ou que vous mettez à jour votre profil d’utilisateur. Nous respectons la confidentialité de vos renseignements personnels. Les renseignements personnels qui ont été recueillis ne seront pas partagés, vendus ou divulgués à d’autres personnes ou tiers et ils serviront uniquement à vous communiquer des nouvelles et à vous faire part d’événements et de services.
Renseignements recueillis à partir de votre ordinateur ou d’un autre dispositif électronique :
Nous pourrons aussi recueillir des renseignements à propos de vos activités en ligne et de votre ordinateur ou d’un autre dispositif électronique lorsque vous visitez ce site Web. Ces renseignements peuvent inclure votre adresse de protocole Internet (IP), le nom de domaine, le type de navigateur, la date et l’heure de votre demande et les données fournies par des technologies de traçabilité, comme des témoins. Ces renseignements ne vous identifient pas personnellement. Nous pouvons aussi utiliser des dispositifs de traçage pour identifier les sites Web que vous avez visités avant et après ce site Web. Ce traçage nous permet de mieux comprendre nos utilisateurs et d’améliorer notre site Web et les renseignements qu’il fournit ainsi que d’effectuer la maintenance et l’administration du site Web. Ce traçage n’implique pas la collecte de renseignements personnels.
Accès et choix :
Il est important que vos coordonnées soient exactes et à jour afin que nous puissions vous fournir des renseignements et des services utiles. Vous pouvez aussi mettre à jour, corriger ou supprimer des renseignements personnels en modifiant votre profil d’utilisateur. Vous pouvez choisir en tout temps de ne pas recevoir des renseignements à propos de produits et de services particuliers ou d’autre matériel promotionnel que nous envoyons par publipostage direct et/ou par courriel en modifiant vos préférences de communication qui sont aussi situées dans votre profil d’utilisateur.
We regret that annual membership dues and meeting fees for guests and Life Members are not refundable. Should you require further information in regards to this, please contact
By completing purchases with us you agree to have your Credit card and personal information securely stored as part of a payment profile within a 3rd party payment gateway. This securely stored payment profile will be used, when authorized, for automated recurring payments and will allow for easier and faster checkouts. No credit card information is stored within Member365 and all payment data is accessed by way of a secure API. Under no circumstances do we share credit card or personal details.
Who can access the Estate Planning Council of Vancouver member portal?
Please note that the Estate Planning Council of Vancouver member portal is to be used by members in good standing of Estate Planning Council of Vancouver only.
What can be posted?
To ensure all interactions within the Estate Planning Council of Vancouver member portal are safe and friendly, Estate Planning Council of Vancouver Executive will oversee the member portal activity and will review, edit, and delete any inappropriate content that has been submitted. This includes abusive or offensive language, spam, malicious files, or other disrespectful contact. To help provide a productive environment, please report any offensive or suspicious activity to Estate Planning Council of Vancouver Executive. Please note that not all user-submitted content is representative of Estate Planning Council of Vancouver, nor does it necessarily represent the views of Estate Planning Council of Vancouver, its Executive or members.